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The Marketing Group of Great Britain was created in 1949 when twelve marketing professionals began meeting informally at the Lansdowne Club, Berkeley Square.

During the ’50s and ’60s the MGGB grew, moved to the Dorchester Hotel and began to invite celebrity speakers. In the’90s the club reached its current headcount of 150 and we moved to Claridges. The club continues to be distinguished by a convivial atmosphere, inspiring speakers and an impressive membership list.


It is important that the membership of the MGGB continues to reflect a wide and varied cross-section of today’s marketing leaders. Those people invited into membership will be influential individuals who are making a significant contribution to the shape and direction of our industry. Although membership is weighted towards the senior client community, significant figures from agencies, consultancies, industry organisations and educational institutions are also a vital part of the mix.

The aim is to create a rich space for debate and networking, in line with the written constitution of the club. There is also an Emeritus Group for those whose careers have evolved beyond a focus on the UK marketing sphere.


Applicants must be proposed by a member of the Group. Prospective members are then invited to submit an application form (available from to the Administrator. Applications are considered by the Membership Secretary, Nina Bibby and reviewed regularly by the Council. The annual membership subscription is £300 + vat per annum, with a one-off joining fee of £250 + vat. The Emeritus membership is £200 + vat per annum.

The Council

Core membership is 150-strong (plus Emeritus members) and is regulated by the nine members of the MGGB Council, who are supported by a further nine Council Advisors drawn from past Chairs. The Council enrols new members and ensures the club remains true to its objectives and constitution.  If you require a copy of the Constitution please contact

Emeritus Group

Emeritus membership enables distinguished individuals to continue their membership of the club although their careers may have evolved beyond a focus on the UK marketing sphere. This means highly successful people can remain ‘part of the family’ even if their professional interests become more multifaceted. The attendance requirements are more relaxed for Emeritus members and they also pay a reduced annual subscription.
Getting Involved
There are various ways for members to get more involved in the running of the club. If you have nominations for speakers or new kinds of events, the Council is keen to hear them. We are also interested in hearing from people who would be interested in serving on Council.
The Numbers
Years & Counting
0 1
Active Members
Events to Date